Spell Book Entry: Casting a Circle/Ring of Protection & Power

NOTE: Every entry in the spell book is based my own magickal practices. You DO NOT have to do everything nor anything I do. Everyone's magick is different and should be discovered through careful experimentation and with the freedom to do what others do or to not. Use this as a template or instructions. It's all up to you. Also, please make sure in any spells/rituals you are safely handling fire and other dangerous elements. 

The Circle or Ring of Protection & Power

or Ring of PP (hehe)

To cast a circle/ring of protection & power, means to create a space that is protected from unwanted energies and powered with the energies of your supporting universal forces. This is something to be done before any spellwork/ritual, both to enhance your magick and to make sure you don't get messed up in the process.

When we're doing a spell, we're calling upon very powerful forces to help bring our desires into this realm from other realms. In the process, like flies to fruit, negative energies will gravitate towards this activity and as a result your spell can be negatively affected and those negative energies can cling to you and make bad stuff happen. So, basically casting a circle is like putting on a spiritual condom.

What makes this better than any ole condom, though, is that this also boosts your own powers during the ritual (so like a condom with stimulating bumps and ridges). By outright asking for certain universal forces to help you, they can lend you their power directly. These forces can either be your higher self, the elements, deities you associate with, spiritual guides depending on your practice, or your ancestors. Either way, if you're asking for a specific entity for help, I find it much better than just sending out a vague and open message, which any force can answer (this can be dangerous as explained above). If you don't like deities or personified spirits, just do your higher self and you should be alright.

How to Cast a Circle/Ring of PP

Simple Method:

  1. In the space where you're performing your ritual, after you've gathered all your materials, take your wand (or your finger) and envision it glowing with power. This is what you'll use to cast your ring.
  2. Starting from North and moving your way clockwise (North - East - South - West - North), envision the power from your wand carving a bright line along your path.
  3. While walking, either internally or out loud, chant about the protection and power this circle will give you. Here's an example:
    1. With the power I bestow upon this wand, I caste a powerful ring around me. This ring cuts deep into the core of the Earth, past this galaxy, and through all realms, to protect me from all unwanted energies during my ritual. It grants me the power to bring my desires into fruition and for these results to be everlasting. So mote it be.
  4. You can amplify this by creating a ring of salt where you cast your circle or dripping water at each Cardinal direction. From here you are ready to begin your spell.

Elemental Method:

With this method you can call upon the four elements, which are also associated with something Wiccans call the watchtowers. You can call upon the watchtowers with the elements too, but that's up to you. I don't have a lot of information on the watchtowers right now, but I can get a post together later on if there's enough interest. To learn more about the elements, their powers, and associations, click here.
  1. Like the previous method, you are in the space where your ritual will be performed and you have gathered all of your materials. Take your wand, your finger, or a bell and envision it glowing with power. This is your tool for making your ring. You can combine a bell with a finger or a wand, too.
  2. Starting from the East this time, call upon the element of Air while ringing your bell and/or pointing your wand/finger to the East. While chanting, envision the element of Air in all its forms; feel the wind blowing, the air moving through your lungs, the way the trees release oxygen for us, the way it wears rocks away into sand, anything involving Air you can think about. Here's an example of a chant:
    1. I call upon the great element of Air, that which fills our lungs, blows our winds, and carries life in the skies. Please protect me from unwanted energies and bestow your power upon this ritual in order to aid in the manifestation of my desire. Thank you for your presence. So mote it be.
  3. Once you've finished chanting, ring your bell five times. Now you can move to the next element, Fire, to the South. Repeat this same process, except with the attributes of fire in your thoughts and chant. Ring the bell five times when you're done. Continue this with the next three elements: Water in the West, Earth in the North, and Spirit in the center of the circle. Ring your bell five times each. From here you are ready to start your ritual.
At each point you can also give an offering of some kind to each element. I suggest food and drink, something that you can discard of once it's essence is consumed (give it approximately 3-5 days). 

Deity/Ancestral Method:

So, I'm not gonna type out the entire process again because all you're doing is moving your chants and focus off of the elements or the directions and changing it to the deities/ancestors/guides you're calling upon. At this point you can also formally give your offerings to them and finally end with a deep meditation in the center of the circle until you feel ready to start your ritual.

Closing the Circle

Literally just do everything you just did in the reverse. That's it. And bid your farewells and respects, too, or else you can get big repercussions if you've called upon the energy of a force other than your own. 

Walk counter clockwise in your circle, saying good bye and thank you to whomever at each Cardinal direction, and then sit and meditate to calm your energies from the activities of the spell. It's extremely important that you ground yourself after a spell, especially at night, because this energy will keep you up. It can also attract those negative energies you were protecting yourself from before because you're a spiritual lighthouse at this point. So, take the time to ground your energies by sitting in your space, envisioning all that energy sinking deep into the Earth, as if roots were growing from anywhere you're touching the floor. Those roots are now sending all the excess energy back to the Earth where they were born.

Once you feel calm and ready, you can go about the rest of your day!

Thank you for joining me on this journey! If you enjoyed this post, found it informative, or have anything you want to add/correct, feel free to comment below. Make sure to follow this blog by inputting your email above so you get notifications for the upcoming posts!


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