Tarot Readings: New Moon in Capricorn (1/13/2021)

The New Moon is upon us and I'm so happy to be sharing my first tarot reading on this blog during the first new moon of the year. I hope this all assists you on your life path and bringing about blessings along the way. Enjoy!

New Moon in Capricorn & the 7th House

Before we jump into the reading, I wanted to give some background on the energy of this new moon.

A New Moon gives energy to new beginnings, ending addictions, boosting communications, and strengthening partnerships, especially with the Divine. Now, when we add Capricorn's and the 7th House's energies to it, we're seeing matters dealing with career, status, and business partnerships. Capricorn is known for it's hardworking attitude and Cardinal leadership, so when combining that with the 7th House, which is about all matters of relationships/partnerships, as well as contracts and legal issues, we can see that this next month is going to be all about starting new projects and gaining opportunities with others. But, the 7th House also rules conflicts, so there may be problems from partnerships that must be taken care of now. This is intensified by the Sun in Capricorn conjunct to the New Moon, meaning everyone's using this time to fix their identity and have it match the reputation they desire.

Basically, everyone's on grind time and we're all starting to work together to reach our full potential, especially in career opportunities. This is heavily reflected in the following reading, so I'm excited for ya'll to see this!

Pick Your Pile

Take a deep breathe, connect with your ancestors/guides/deities/higher self, and ask them to show you which pile is meant for you. Once you've chosen, scroll below to the reading for your pile. 

Pile 1 Reading

Top Row: 2 of Pentacles, Knight of Pentacles (Reversed), Strength (Reversed)
There's a new opportunity for income or acquiring personal possessions that is coming in within the next month. You're still juggling the pro's and con's but right now, because of how fragile things are with finances already, you're scared to take that step. You're worried not only that what you have now will be taken, but you also won't have the strength to deal with the challenges that come with the new endeavor. But how can a mighty Knight doubt their trained abilities? Because they're unable to see how great the opportunity is and how worth it the challenges will be. You will always have the strength you need, so long as you see it and accept it within yourself.

Bottom Row: The Hierophant, The Tower
You have two options right now. You either stay in the old tradition of things, stay bowing to the Hierophant (aka your boss or an authority figure) and putting your career in the hands of an overseer, misaligned with your desires fully. OR! You can deal with the calamity that change brings. Change is never easy. To peel off the layers of our past ordeals is a painful and difficult process. However, in order for any new things to come in, you must destroy the old that does not serve you. 

The choice is yours: Deal with the same old for security, or go for your new path and build a new tower from the ashes of the old.

Pile 2 Reading

Top Row: King of Wands, Page of Pentacles (Reversed), Queen of Cups
There's a potential partnership between someone with lots of fire sign energy (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius) and someone with lots of water sign energy (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces). They have passion for a project together, they know they want to do something great, something that leads with heart and action. However, the Page of Pentacles in the reverse shows there's a lack of focus and goals, like no one's getting the ball rolling because you're caught up in the potential of it instead. Focus that excitement onto figuring out the real ground plan of what you want to do. Take that action and emotion and create a real, viable blue print that will allow you to create that perfect result.

Bottom Row: The Moon, 10 of Pentacles
The 10 of Pentacles shows that this can be an extremely fruitful endeavor, helping you and your partners finances, and possibly even helping those in your community. The Moon tells you to use both of your intuitions as a guide. The wolf and the dog in the Moon card represents the two of you. The lobster represents the distractions that can cause you to drown in the waters of possibility instead of manifestation. You both look to the Moon instead, which guides you along the right path of success through the dark. Combine the powers of your intuitions and you will create exactly the kind of success you've been hoping for.

Pile 3 Reading

Top Row: Page of Wands (Reversed), Ace of Cups, Page of Cups
You're currently not taking action on a matter because you're caught up in pent up feelings and old wounds. You want to release so bad, so you can move on, but it's stuck because you feel alone and like you don't want to burden anyone with your issues. Well, you got friends for a reason! Someone will come along that can provide that emotional support you need and may be experienced enough to give you great advice about it. This could be a water sign friend (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces), or just someone whose really in touch with their own emotions and therefore can help you with yours.

Bottom Row: 4 of Wands, 6 of Swords
The 4 of Wands guarantees that you have a healthy friend or family support system. These people are here for you and you should utilize their support when you truly need it (which is now!) By doing so, these people can help you get to moving finally, as the ferryman in the 6 of Swords. But, you cannot just move through your emotional tides without thought or planning. Make sure you are mentally stable and have a plan once your emotional issues are dealt with. Only then can you truly start to take action for what's needed.

Pile 4 Reading

Top Row: Knight of Wands, 9 of Swords (Reversed), 7 of Wands (Reversed)
You're getting ready to go and pursue your true purpose or your next phase in life. For this to take full effect, you must surrender old battles and let go of thoughts that only hurt you instead of uplift you. Surprisingly enough, we can find peace in the battles we give up on, simply because we know it's not worth our energy. We can take our strong wand and go somewhere else, without the strife, and use our energy on way better things. Stop trying to fight others and yourself in a cycle of negativity and just move onto the next thing. 

Bottom Row: 10 of Wands (Reversed), 6 of Pentacles
Losing a fight can seem like you're dying, but really it's just ridding yourself of further wounds. The 10 of Wands is daunting but actually relays that there's peace and an end of worries here. You won't allow the issues of yesterday affect you today. You can even stop the train of overly critical thoughts in your head by releasing your care for the situation they're based on. In this state of peace, people may react to your newfound positivity with charity, or you can be in a position to help others gain the same relief you do. It might even be charity to both you and your previous foe to just let it go. Don't be afraid to sacrifice negativity. Karma will always reward you for choosing peace over war.

I hope this reading resonated with everyone! Please leave comments below on what you think, anything else you want to add, and what kind of readings you'd like in the future. You can also get private readings up to 5x month with me by becoming a Patreon member of mine. Thanks for sharing your energy with me and I send you positivity and good health!


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