Pisces Season All Signs Tarot Reading (2021)

 Happy Pisces Season! Today we got individual tarot readings for each sign to show the growth, obstacles, and advice needed to get through this season. 

You should be reading the signs that are dominant in your chart as well as Sun, Moon, and Rising.

Structure: The top card above the four cards lined up in the middle represent who you are and what you're dealing with at the beginning of the season. The four cards in the middle represent what you'll be facing/feeling throughout this time. The card at the bottom represents who you are/what you're dealing with by the end of Pisces season. Feel free to shoot any questions below if you are confused.

Pisces Reading

Top: Queen of Swords
First off, happy birthday Pisces suns! With that being said, you're coming into this season a lot more mentally clear, able to communicate as a leader not only from the mind but from the feminine aspects of the heart. It's as if you're able to see past the illusions and fogs that the Pisces season can bring for others. Where others are confused, you are on point and know it is time to do a deep dive into learning who you are but also how you can help others with this understanding and clear vision. You may be connecting with or you yourself are a mother figure. Either way, you're stepping into your season with great mental prowess.

The High Priestess accentuates your regal energy, putting you in a place where you can truly tap into that watery intuition and let your higher self guide you this season. This is working very well with the King of Wands and Cups energy, where you are in control of your actions and your heart, bringing together even more regality in conjunction with the Queen of Swords. The Sun (obviously in your sign) just boosts that energy. Great success and everyone can see your light, your royal status in a way that isn't tyrannical

Bottom: 3 of Swords (Reversed)
You're coming out of this very healed. With this card in the reverse, there's a step away from past heartbreaks and wounds, past depressive episodes and raining on your own mind/heart. You're stronger, you're smarter, and you realize the only thing you need sometimes is your own love.

Aries Reading

Top: The Sun (Reversed)
Alright Aries, the sleepiness and cloudiness of Pisces season is definitely getting to you right now. You may really want some sleep time (which is perfectly ok). But, there's also this desire to step out of the spotlight/leadership that you usually accept graciously. Like your fire feels too weak to want to present to anyone and anyone's extra presence and need for your energy is too much because you're too busy trying to kindle the small fire you have left in you.

The Magician signals it's truly a time for you to work on yourself and use all available resources to build yourself back up. The Queen of Swords in reverse shows you're a little scatter brained at this time, trying to juggle things mentally. The Queen of Swords can also mean a feminine energy sort of mentally manipulative boss/higher up. The Justice shows you need to bring balance to yourself first and that balance should be of utmost importance over whatever may be instantly gratifying or what you feel like you have to deal with to survive. If you don't bring this justice, there's a possibility of losing passion in your current craft/occupation and as a result imbalance you even further. There's the possibility that you quit a job or take some time away from school or something like that. 

Bottom: Queen of Pentacles (Reversed)
A loss of control over finances and the material. Possibly from that instance of losing a job. But, this can also represent taking your focus off of the material. Realizing you do not have to be attached to it and constantly in control of it to achieve happiness. Sometimes you must relinquish control in order to let life naturally flow in your abundance.

Taurus Reading 

Top: The World (Reversed)
You are so done with society and with having to be a part of it. I'm feeling some strong "leave me the hell alone" energy, hiding in your ring of earthly leaves and staying inside, in your comfort zone as you Tauruses love. But, there's also a feeling of being stuck, like you can't leave, not just only because you don't want to, but also because you feel like the world is dangerous right now. All those other elements are feeling chaotic and you just rather not deal with them right now.

The 10 of Pentacles Reversed signals arguments about money and those who want to simply take instead of give. You could even be keeping money for yourself and not putting it in places that are required, like your community isn't worthy of the fruits of your labor. The 9 of Wands in reversed emphasizes this Taurus stubbornness to stick to your own, old ways and failing to compromise with anyone. The 6 of wands reversed continues that giving up on society and desire to retreat. You don't want to be responsible for anyone but yourself. But, the Death card shows there's going to be a major change, even if you don't like it. The change is NECESSARY for growth or else you'll be left in the dust and can't succeed as you should in the next season.

Bottom: 2 of Swords (Reversed)
This is ending with a feeling of indecision. Should I stay in what I know, even if it's weak complacency, or should I finally venture out into the unknown and gain the successes and lessons, that will change your life for the better as long as you take that step to make it happen.

Gemini Reading

Top: 5 of Swords (Reversed)
You're going into this with a mental peace and a lessened desire to have to prove your intellect and your correctness to people. Whereas before you can indulge in an argument all day, now you're finding the peace in knowing your truth and not needing for someone else to agree with it. Going into this season with a peaceful mindset and ready to have better situations because of it.

The 4 of Cups shows a way to deal with the 9 of Cups reversed obstacles. The 9 of Cups signals a time of underachieving, shattered hopes, and arrogance. The 4 of Cups combats this with the advice of meditation and letting the blessings coming to you naturally. You're letting spirit do its work and although this is a hard moment in the season, you can come out of it by finding peace and hope within yourself rather than in the achievements others call worthy. The Page of Pentacles reversed works with the 9 of Wands showing there's a final struggle, this last fight before blessings come in, but it will cost you some financial investment. You may have to bury some money in order for it to grow in the future. Setting the seeds with sacrifice and getting just as much and more than you sacrificed as a reward in the future.

Bottom: Knight of Pentacles
And this is the very reward we just talked about! By the end of the season, you're taking off into a new opportunity for financial success, like starting a business or gaining a promotion or moving for a new job. And here it finally gives back some money that you had to sacrifice, but because this isn't the King of Pentacles, you won't get everything immediately, this is only the beginning of the journey.

Cancer Reading

Top: 6 of Swords (Reverse)
You're coming back to an old situation/environment with a better understanding and new knowledge to traverse it better. You can also have returned home after some time a part, or coming back to routines and ways of yourself that made you feel energized, interested, and safe. You're searching through the past in some form to bring new experiences/insights into the present.

With your newfound intellect/strategies, you're going to be able to survive very harsh conditions to come with grace and tact. You can also be helping others deal with their financial struggles, I'm feeling a desire to do some sort of community service or help the under privileged in this season. The 8 of Wands shows you're going into this environment/season with newfound passion and with a speed that is remarkable. You throwing yourself into the work and achievements and you're not afraid of what lies ahead. The Hanged Man and the 7 of Pentacles represent sacrifice and work that is necessary to get rewards. Patience and diligence from the Pentacles, new perspectives from the Hanged Man, bear great rewards.

End: Queen of Pentacles
The aforementioned reward! A new leadership position and control over your finances and career. You're clear about how to do your work and as a result are looked up to in the work/school environment. Able to provide for yourself or others in some way. Your true reward is stability and grounded feelings.

Leo Reading

Top: The Devil
Ya'll got some bad habits and addictions you're indulging in to some degree. Maybe even still messing with that person that is toxic for you and you are toxic for them. This doesn't mean you're terrible or unable/undeserving of help. It's just that you know this situation and whatever you're indulging in isn't good for you and it's even going to be harder to combat during this Pisces season because of it's rulership over escapism and illusions.

Temperance in reverse calls your current imbalance within you. Even signaling over drinking. You've lost some connection to your higher self and therefore falling into your lower vibrations, like the water falling into the other cup. All of the cards after this one show you the solution. 4 of Swords says isolate, meditate, be alone with your thoughts and even lock up anything that will trigger your bad habits. Take it out of your sight and even get some sleep, use your dreams as a guide. The Sun accentuates this energy even more, telling you to step out of your usual spotlight and find time to not have your beautiful sunny energy sucked up by others. The 6 of Pentacles in reverse tell you stop spending money on toxic habits and people. People that drain your resources and leave you in a bad situation because of it, only focusing on their own needs and desires at the expense of yourself, need to be cut off from your money and energy.

Bottom: 2 of Cups (Reversed)
The necessary cord cutting, breaking off all those unhealthy relationships. It sucks being alone, and I'm sure you really hate it, being a lion and used to having their pride. But, you can't heal/improve if the same parasites are clinging to you. You gotta cut them off. Even if it's many, many people, it needs TO GO.

Virgo Reading

Top: 7 of Cups
There's so many opportunities at your feet right now. Like MAD options. And it can even feel really overwhelming right now. But, you're going into this season with great blessings, many things you can succeed in and that's setting you on a beautiful path for this Pisces season. Take advantage of it.

With your newfound success, you have so much that you can sit in your own luxury AND still have many to give to others in need, shown by the 6 of Pentacles and 9 of Pentacles energy. With this new stability, you're feeling less know-it-all than usual and therefore are able to cultivate more peace mentally and communication wise than you would have originally. The 2 of Pentacles in reverse show some indecision about where to go at a certain point. There's a crossroads after all this success, which require very different things, both with pros and cons, and you're using your tactical and grounded energy to make the right choice.

Bottom: Justice (Reversed)
This is a warning about one of the choices, which without this reading you may not have been able to clock as bad and therefore have taken it. Stop and think harder before you make that decision. Everything is not always what it seems and an opportunity that seems too good to be true can be just that--and completely mess up your balance, throwing you off the success you just built for yourself. Make sure your rights and your being is respected in the option before settling on it.

Libra Reading

Top: 6 of Wands
You coming in as a true leader, gathering people to take some serious action, even your spirit team gearing up for your successes and what you're about to encounter this season. Your skills in communication and forming relationships is coming in handy and you got so many people supporting and backing you right now. You READY!

Aii so the Wheel of Fortune is perfect for showing you the issues you're combatting this season. It represents life's ups and downs, the constant cycle between a great place and falling into a bad one and then climbing to the top again. It's necessary to build strength and to handle the inevitable lows with finesse eventually. But there's a lot of clashing, I even feel some type of battle or war between two sides, with you obviously leading one of them. This is against greedy people, those not sharing the resources they can and therefore you have to say something. In the end, with Death reversed, there really isn't a change. You may even fall into a stalemate, no one getting what they wanted.

Bottom: The Star
Although there was a seemingly unsuccessful endeavor, you were able to show off your power and therefore you're a new beacon of hope for yourself and for others. You have planted the seeds and done the first step of action but you have more to give and more to do and you know this is only the beginning of something you're going to give and change in the world or just your current social environment.

Scorpio Reading

Top: 9 of Wands
You're currently at the final battle of a long cycle in your life. You have just enough strength to make it towards the shift, but you're also struggling a bit. Probably feeling very fatigued, wondering if you can truly make it to the end. I know those deep Scorpio feelings got you spiraling in your head, even wondering if your work was worth anything. But, it was because you made it here to this very moment.

These cards foretell an intense final battle. With the 8 of Swords you may feel trapped in insecurities and limiting beliefs, something making the work you need to do even harder than it has to be. The King of Wands in reverse can also a signal a lack of confidence/energy or even a fiery person that's messing with you along this way. Are you battling outside authority or the authority in your head? The 8 of Pentacles and 10 of Wands show the hard work you're going to do, with the Pentacles showing you deep dedication to your craft and keeping focused on the present and the future result instead of worrying about the past mistakes/failures/hiccups. The Wands warn you of taking on more than you can or should handle. You have a lot to take care of, and as the solitary person you can be sometimes, you don't always trust others to do the work you feel you're solely fit for. But, you can't win without a team and since you're ruled by the house of joint resources, you have to be able to delegate the tasks to others, so you don't drown.

Bottom: Knight of Pentacles
You are pushed into the next phase by the end of the season. You are successful in your endeavors and will be rewarded, but you know this is not the end, simply the beginning. You, the Knight with the newfound power/blessing in your hand, now has sights on the next place, on the next goal, and knowing it'll be a long but beautiful journey there.

Sagittarius Reading

Top: Ace of Wands
You've got brand new ideas, brand new passions, and ready to face whatever challenges that are coming. You feel in control and excited for something new, maybe you've even received good news about something you're doing or planning to do and therefore you have a new spark within you, kicking that fire horse into gear.

8 of Swords reversed exemplifies the bursting energy you come in with. You are breaking past those limiting beliefs that may have held you back before and now you feel a lot more free to pursue what you wish. The Queen of Cups represents a water sign that could help you along the way. You can sometimes forget how you affect others emotionally in the whirlwind of your adventure, or forget to even take the time to understand how you feel, so this water sign can definitely be a helper and an emotional advisor that'll remind you to put heart into whatever you're doing. The interaction with the Knight of Pentacles and the Queen of Pentacles reversed shows some sort of financial manipulation. Banks could be trying to mess with you, a boss could be messing with you, someone close to you may also be trying to take some money from you. Even someone you've once considered as a mother figure.

Bottom: Page of Pentacles (Reversed)
If you are not aware of the Pentacle Queen's manipulation, you will be sent backwards in your adventure, at least financially. Where before you had been ready to move onto the next adventure and had everything you needed for it, this Queen can actually drain your resources, so much so you're brought back to a lower level. So, instead of letting this happen, keep your eye out for people who may just be using you for what you have, especially those that undermine your hard work and are always trying to bring you down in some form or another.

Capricorn Reading

Top: Justice (Reversed)
Something has thrown you off balance and it's really messing you up. Where before you've been completely in control, balancing everything with finesse, something had sorta knocked in like meteor or even a slow acting poison and has through you all the way off. Maybe because you truly haven't been just with yourself, or with someone else now causing some karma to strike.

7 of Cups reversed means you feel like there aren't enough options for you. You feel very limited about what you can do or where you can go, maybe not even looking at the bright side and missing out on seeing those blessings because you're too busy focusing on what you don't have instead. Well, 2 of Wands tells you this mindset is going to have to change because there's good news and even the possibility of traveling for a new opportunity. But, mostly there's good news to come and you have to snatch up the opportunities it comes with like the Knight of Wands, grabbing the choice you know is going to be best (cause you got that great decisive Capricorn mind). But, 8 of Cups reversed warns that sentiments about leaving old situations may make you feel like you can't move forward, like you can't abandon what you've built before or who you've had in your life. You have to deal with the change and the only way to usher in the new is to release the old.

Bottom: Ace of Swords
A complete regain of control over your mindset. You feel sharp again and new ideas flow in that have been blocked from stagnant energy of the before. You've taken the situation and combatted the old mindsets to bring about a new crown of understanding and encouragement for yourself. Your ambitious nature rises to it's grandest form again.

Aquarius Reading

Top: The Star (Reversed)
The Star card represents Aquarius at it's core, your mind connected to the universe and your water bearer image depicted within. However, with its reverse position, you might not be feeling like your normal self. Like the world you usually understood and decipher and debate is suddenly overtaking your uniqueness. Almost like you can't shine as bright or stand out as much as you usually would and it's really messing with your groove.

This whole reading shows one of manipulation and theft, sadly. This Pisces season will be tough. The 6 of Cups reversed shows selfishness, all the opposite feelings you would have as a true humanitarian. Like everywhere you go you're spotting the injustice and it only makes you feel worse about your current position. The Page of Pentacles and Ace of Pentacles signal a loss of money/resources and the ability to receive them. The 3 of Pentacles represents a team or a business setting, where you are doing work or feel like you're learning, but it's actually making you lose money, almost like a school that does nothing with the money you give it or a damn pyramid scheme.

Bottom: 7 of Wands
The only way to deal with this is to stand your guard and defend/protect what you have. You have to use your good intuition to decipher whose your enemy and whose your friend, and even fight off those who are trying to impede on you and your success. You KNOW how to fight oppressive forces, so you must rely on that passion and that deep seething hatred for them to beat them out of your life. Be tough, Aquarius.


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